
March 07, 2013

Our Little, Big News!

Just when we thought we had our plans all figured out (at least until after Russia), we got one more life curve-ball thrown at us, and once again our plans have morphed into something completely new. So, without further ado, here is the big announcement…






Ha! I know, I've already told you guys this. The fact that we had plans to move to Portland is nothing new. The catch is that we will be moving to Portland as of the end of March!

Hello Portland!

Back when we were in Fayetteville (it appears a lot of things were put into motion unbeknown to us “back when we were in Fayetteville”), I applied for several job postings. I applied only in Portland and only at one specific company (my top employer choice, since I had the option of being picky). With the economy being in the state that it’s in I put little stock in hearing back soon. Also, we still didn't know the results of the reality TV show casting then, so after I applied for that batch of jobs I decided to wait on applying on any more until we had a more definite timeline worked out. Several days after applying I got a call back and a request for an interview for one of the positions.

Well, fast forward two months and a succession of interviews, and I got an offer! As of April 1 I will be a proudly employed member of the Portland community, working at the Nike World Headquarters! Our new and revised plans now include us spending two weeks in San Diego (a booking we made a month ago, see we finally learned to book RV parks ahead of time!), then a week driving the 1,000 miles from San Diego to Portland, and then a week in Portland to get settled before I start my new job on Monday, April Fool’s Day. Our plans to go to Russia in May are still on track, so that portion of the plan did not change.

So there you go. We are super excited! Once the offer was accepted a timeline to the end of our amazing year on the road was set and we've slowly been watching the days dwindle. We are trying to make the most of our last four weeks and live in the moment, but at the same time I can’t help but not think about the future. There is so much to consider! Where will we live? We sold everything but some clothes, what do we need to buy now? Going from a life where our major daily questions included “what should we eat for dinner tonight?” and “what do we want to do tomorrow?”, to this new and complicated reality has been stressful to say the least, but a positive stressful.

Sky and I have been reading our Guide to the Pacific Northwest at night, and daydreaming about all the amazing things we hope to see and do once we get there. I hope that this settling down will by no means mean an end to our adventures and travels. With all the northwest has to offer I expect we’ll be busy for at least two full years just exploring the state of Oregon, not including a trip to Alaska, and all the amazing nearby states like Montana, Idaho, Washington, Nevada, Utah and CALIFORNIA! I hope this new chapter in our lives will be just as exciting, if not more so, than this current one, and that’s a lot to live up to! :o)

Happy New Life Beginnings!


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