
February 01, 2013

Torchy's Tacos With Friends

Last year when we visited Austin we met up for dinner with some college friends of ours: Jen, Jay and their baby boy Wesley. Back then Wesley was just three months old and if I remember correctly that was his very first outing to a restaurant. Wesley did quite well that evening and we had a very enjoyable evening catching up over yummy Italian food.

Wesley, Jen, Jay, Skyler and I at Mandola's restaurant last year 
When we got into town this time around we called up Jay and Jen again and set up another night on the town. We met up with them for pre-dinner margaritas at their home in the Austin outskirts, which worked out well with our trip out to the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. After munching on yummy homemade guacamole and chips, the five of us plus Jay's younger brother Dave, made our way to Torchy's Tacos, an Austin tradition. We'd heard great things about Torchy's and had been dying to try it out.

Torchy's taco joint originally started out as a food truck on South 1st Avenue and quickly became a city-wide hit. Today there are several restaurant locations around town, along with the original taco truck. One of the best parts of this restaurant experience (outside of the excellent tacos) is the very amusing menu taco names. Some of the funnier names include: the Dirty Sanchez, Brush Fire, the Independent and the Republican. After perusing the menu choices I picked out the Trailer Park (yup, that's right, I figured it was a sign of good things to come). The taco came with two options- regular or Trashy (without lettuce, add queso). Sky went with the Democrat and the Ranch Hand. When we were placing our order at the cash register I felt like we were starting up one of those jokes: "A Democrat and a Ranch Hand walk into a Trailer Park..." and that only added to my amusement.

My Trailer Park and Sky's Democrat and Ranch Hand
My Trailer Park and Sky's Democrat and Ranch Hand
After everyone ordered we went around the table and compared our funny menu selections as well as the hot sauce selection. Wesley had eaten a special dinner at home and was not very interested in the grownup dinner, and was instead walking around, exploring the restaurant. Wesley has grown up to be quite the little man now, with large golden curls and blue eyes.  During dinner he made his way over to a nearby table where a pretty girl of similar age was also dining that evening. He then proceed to make her giggle by showing off some of his dance moves and by telling jokes using baby language. He will be quite the ladies man one day!

Wesley sitting on Jay's shoulders at Torchy's Tacos
Best seat in the house!
Wesley at Torchy's Tacos
Flirting up the ladies at Torchy's Tacos
We followed up dinner with delicious ice cream from another local favorite, Amy's ice cream, just down the road. They had some really interesting flavors as well (Austin is like that, most restaurants have very unique selections) and we all sampled the Honey Habanero flavor. Very sweet on the front end, with a serious hot kick at the end- different but good.

Ice cream parlor at Amy's Ice Cream
Ice cream parlor at Amy's Ice Cream
Jen, Wesley, Jay, Sky and I at Amy's Ice Cream
Jen, Wesley, Jay, Sky and I at Amy's Ice Cream
It was great to see our friends again and over such yummy food. I'm excited to see how Wesley changes again in the future. He'll probably have great stories to tell when we see him next time. :o)

Happy Taco Dinners With Friends,


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