
May 31, 2012

My Mom, The Runner!

My mom recently discovered an interest for running. In March, she signed up for a Women Run Arkansas, a free training program with training groups in cities around the state. In this program she trained up from never having ran before to running up to 3 miles. And in May, on Mother’s Day weekend, she ran her very first 5k!

While visiting us on vacation, mom ran 4 out of the 6 mornings they were here and really enjoyed herself. Dad even joined in on 3 of the runs! The California climate and scenery must have been a good setting, as she set a new personal mile time record of 11 minutes and 10 seconds, when she ran two miles at that pace!

Where we ran in the mornings
Look at her go!
Mom and dad in the morning
Happy Running in California!


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