
April 23, 2012

We Paid a Visit to Albuquerque, Oh Wait, We Got Paid!

While visiting Albuquerque, we stayed at the Sandia Casino. The casino is located just north of town, right off of interstate 25. It’s a very large resort, with golf course, swimming pool, multiple restaurants and hotel, and a very spacious parking lot. We were instructed to park in the upper level, and when we pulled up, we were not alone. There were at least 10 other RVs already parked on the lot.

Our parking spot at Sandia Casino
The view of the mountains from Sandia
Friday night we parked the trailer, unhitched and went downtown to get some grub. We drove down Central Ave, which appears to be the happening place in Albuquerque. The stretch right next to New Mexico University was lively at 8pm when we drove by, with lots of bars, cafes and restaurants. We went to a local Thai place and had a good meal. We also brought the computer, and while we ate, we plugged in the computer in the plug next to us. Bonus! Good meal and a charge!

On Saturday I woke up with a nasty head cold, and we decided to stay another day. We visited the local Costco and Sams Club (samples galore!!), and got me a new hydration pack backpack. We’ve come to the conclusion that the 2 liter pack Skyler was carrying was just not enough, so I got one for myself as well. I’ll be well hydrated on future hikes!

We also looked up a Trader Joe's and paid a visit. I was very impressed with the prices; I didn’t remember them being so reasonable from when we’d been to the store on the West Coast. We stocked up on some very yummy food: edamame beans, dried apple slices, greek yogurt, vegetable chips, aged cheddar, and frozen mango slices! We picked up a bottle of Three Buck Chuck (aww so sad it wasn’t the original Two Buck Chuck), as well as $4 sushi (who’s ever heard of sushi being so cheap?!?).

This morning I was feeling better, so we decided to hit the road once more, but not before paying a visit to the casino. We’d read online that if you are a new member, and you sign up for the Player’s Card, you get $25 free money to play with. You don’t have to ask me twice to gamble with someone else’s money! We signed up, and received our player’s cards, and hit the slots. After 30 minutes of making the rounds on the machines, we walked away with $26.31. Our awesome technique was to cash out anytime we won…we had about 20 cash out vouchers between the two of us, some for as little as $.20, but hey, that’s still a free dinner we’re talking about!

So thank you Sandia Casino, for paying us to visit your fine facilities! :o)

Happy casino visiting!


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