
March 28, 2012

Some Down Time in Texas

We've taken some downtime here in Fredericksburg. Sky found a soccer league he can play with (he must have a nose for soccer..)

Sky playing soccer with a pick-up group
I've been enjoying running a 4 mile loop up and down Main street. Monday we took advantage of the awesome weather and went on a back country road bike ride. There was not a flat stretch to that route, we climbed just under 600 feet in the first 12 miles, and then had a gentle downhill on the way back. We went 23 miles, and I was tired at the end! We biked through private ranches, so there were loose livestock everywhere. We encountered a group of about 30 cows and calves sitting in the middle of the road. It was a bit intimidating to ride 10 feet of them.
Screenshot of our ride
Back country roads
Approaching a road block
Taking a break to smell the wildflowers
This morning we were walking the dogs and heard what sounded like a live auction. We decided to check it out, and it turned out there was a local livestock auction going on. We'd never been to a livestock auction before. Here is where the cattle is brought in and arranged in pens.

The customers are getting a first look at the cattle for sale
From the outdoor pens, the cows (and some goats) are led one by one down a hallway and into the auction room. They enter into a pen, and the bidding starts. The calves were going for around $1.60 a pound, and the heifers went for around $.80 a pound. After the bidding is done, the cow is led into the next room that has a floor scale, and the TVs display how much the sold cow weights (so you find out exactly how much you'll be paying after the fact..quick mental math $1.80 multiplied by 450 pounds equals empty wallet!) We stuck around and watched a bit, it was pretty neat.

The auction room, during a break.
Sky picked up a Reuben sandwich from the local meat market with a cold Root Beer..he's in food heaven right now. Next we need to work on our taxes..bleh.

More pictures of Fredericksburg and Hill Country can be found here.

Happy downtime!


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