
January 06, 2012

One Large Item Off of Our To-Do List!

We sold the Honda! Woo hoo! We decided to celebrate by going to our favorite restaurant in Fayetteville, Thai Diner. We go there often enough, so when we walk in the waitress knows us by name and knows what we are going to order before we even have a chance to order. You'll soon find out that we (I) really love Thai food...we'll be blogging about all the yummy places we'll hopefully go! Speaking of which, here is what we had tonight:

Thai Diner-the shizzle!
Thai Iced Tea with Tom Kha Soup and Crab Angels
Thai Spaghetti with Red Curry
Then we sauntered over to Ferrel's Lounge to watch the Arkansas Hogs in the Cotton Bowl!

Fayetteville watching the Cotton Bowl at Ferrell's Lounge
Happy Celebrating One Huge Item Off Our List!


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