
January 18, 2012

A Day in the New Life

Not that there is much to tell, we are still in town, living with my parents, but I would be lying if I said life is hard. We have gotten in the habit of waking up around 8:30 (I swear I have an alarm clock in my head). Then it's breakfast while watching episodes off of HGTV, favorites being House Hunters Intl, Selling LA, Selling New York and Flip This House (are you catching the theme here?). Since our pups are protecting our old house and Lucy (the travel trailer), we have to get over there in the mornings to let them out soon after breakfast.

Yesterday we finally cleaned up the rental home we'd moved out of. We then ran by the library to get a new supply of books, then by the local IGA to pick up spaghetti squash and Kefir. We had plans to work on more items off our list after lunch, but that fell by the wayside. After making the spaghetti squash and watching more of 24 (Jack Bauer would totally beat up Chuck Norris), we lazed around the house.
Mom offered that I take my sister to her swim practice, so I jumped at the opportunity to get some laps in myself. I ended up swimming a mile, and had the lane all to myself. It was glorious!

The day culminated in dad coming home early from work (early being 7pm) and us all sitting down for a nice family dinner of the spaghetti squash. Then Sky and I read for an hour. I'm really digging my new book, "Wrong Man Running" by Alan Hruska.

Happy Lazy Days!

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