
December 18, 2011

Healthier Spaghetti

So Maria and I are both huge spaghetti fans... heck, anything with carbs is borderline addictive.  So on a whim the other day, we purchased a "spaghetti squash," not really knowing what it was, or what we were going to make with it.  After getting home, we went to the trusty Allrecipes website to figure out how and if we were going to make this squash. For those of you like us, who aren't familiar with spaghetti squash, it looks like a slightly longer and yellow version of an acorn squash, and once baked, it falls apart to spaghetti like strands. (And if you are familiar with this particular squash, you already know odd it is.)

After tracking down a fairly simple and tasty sounding recipe, we commenced with the cooking!

Half Baked ;-)
Tasty by Itself!
Now you'll have a crispety, crunchety spaghetti and I hope you'll enjoy this meal as much as we did!


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